journal is an international
peer-reviewed journal published by the research laboratory in
subterranean and surface hydraulics since 2002.
The scope of the Journal covers the fields in which the teams of the
research laboratory in subterranean and surface hydraulics are active.
Original research papers, short communications and critical reviews from
all fields of science and engineering related to water are welcomed.
Larhyss journal is devoted to rapid publication of research in water
engineering, acting as a link between the diverse research communities
and practitioners in the field of hydraulics. The journal accepts
manuscripts in English or French and publishes abstracts in both
official languages. Larhyss journal publishes articles on all aspects of
hydraulics including hydrology, water quality, water and wastewater
treatment, surface and groundwater protection…
Pay attention to the acts of misconduct in the publication of your
article. LARHYSS journal can not accept the following acts of misconduct:
Get author status improperly, Failure to provide a place to author
contributors who deserve, Plagiarizing or appropriating the results of
others, Copy a figure, a table, data or even sentences from an article
published or unpublished without reference, Falsify or delete data, Make
the results of any part, Not to mention the earlier works that were used
to the development of the study, Do not inform the editor of conflicts
of interest that may affect the conduct or results of research.