The alluvial aquifer, which is sensitive to atmospheric pollution, is considered the appropriate repository for the activity of bacteria and germs that live in the water. It is therefore favorable to the propagation of bacteria requiring protection from the risks of pollution. The direct source water points that can pollute this water reserve are the wells located in it, and to protect them, the Wyssling method, which is based on the determination of the degree of vulnerability, makes it possible to define the perimeters of protection according to the direction and the zone of contact depending on the distance traveled by the water particles around the point of collection upstream and downstream. The protection perimeters are determined according to the distance traveled by the water during a time indicated by the isochrones of 50, 100 and 200 days. The results show a very high vulnerability equal to 14; the immediate, intermediate and extended protection perimeters are 107, 159 and 239 m upstream and 85, 115 and 152 m downstream, respectively. These distances must be respected to protect catchments from polluting activities that cause the water to lose its natural physico-chemical quality.
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