Larhyss Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published quarterly (4 Issues per year) by the research laboratory in subterranean and surface hydraulics (University of Biskra, Algeria) since 2002. All information about the Journal can be found by clicking on the "About" button located at the top left of the page.
The scope of the Journal covers the fields in which the teams of the research laboratory in subterranean and surface hydraulics are active. Original research papers, short communications and critical reviews from all fields of science and engineering related to water are welcomed. Larhyss journal is devoted to the rapid publication of research in water engineering, acting as a link between the diverse research communities and practitioners in the field of hydraulics. The journal accepts manuscripts exclusively in English encompassing aspects of hydraulics including hydrology, water and wastewater treatment based on modern and advanced processes except for the activated or reactivated carbon process which does not bring anything new to water treatment processes, surface and groundwater protection, free and pressurized flows in canals and conduits, the impact of climate change on water resources, Modeling of aquifers and the transport of solutes, design and operation of hydraulic structures such as dams, spillways, ancestral hydraulic structures, underground infrastructures such as sewerage pipes and inferoflux dams, the design, optimization of the performance and safety of hydraulic structures, coupling of hydraulic and economic models applied to development studies and risk forecasting, Hydraulic modelling, etc. However, Larhyss Journal does not publish articles on simulating problems through the use of software of any type. Furthermore, Larhyss Journal does not publish classical articles on water quality, whatever the method or process used. Only articles on water quality that rely on both innovative Technology and analysis processes, which have never been published elsewhere, are eligible for publication in Larhyss Journal. Similarly, Larhyss Journal no longer publishes articles on the hydraulic jump, including the design of Stilling basins, or energy dissipation. Similarly, Larhyss Journal no longer publishes articles on solid transport and the silting of hydraulic structures. In addition, Larhyss Journal does not publish articles related to Hydrogeology.
The function of Larhyss Journal is to publicize original or substantive research work on fundamental or applied hydraulics, and thus to contribute to the scientific debate between specialists; it thus differs from journals intended for popularization.
Larhyss Journal publishes discussions on all articles since its inception. The discussions are not limited in time. The article published in Larhyss Journal in the form of discussion has become essential in the dialogue between researchers. It identifies unanswered questions, describes work in progress, gives conclusions of recently completed research, describes applications of research, and reviews the state of knowledge.
Why Larhyss Journal is different from several other journals?
Larhyss Journal is exclusively dedicated to problems related to hydraulic sciences. It is not a multidisciplinary journal as most journals are.
Larhyss Journal is not published by a classic publishing house or by an association. It is edited by a hydraulic research laboratory that is at the heart of water-related problems.
Common themes in journals dealing with water sciences, modern and advanced water treatment processes, hydrology, In addition to these themes, Larhyss Journal publishes articles related to desalination plants which remain a means of the future account of the scarcity of ground and surface water due to climate change. Larhyss Journal has published and still publishes articles on water treatment based on local raw material which increasingly shows its effectiveness and its ability to establish itself as an essential process, especially for developing countries that have significant deposits of these local materials (bentonite, lime, clays, biosorbents, peels of various fruits), except for the activated or reactivated carbon treatment process, whatever its physical state, which does not bring anything new to the treatment processes. In addition, the treatment using local raw material is ecological giving it the quality of green treatment. Treatments based on local materials do not require a large investment, it is economical.
Among the favourite themes of Larhyss Journal are hydraulic works that use the capacity of water to produce energy such as hydroelectric stations. Hydroelectric energy has multiple advantages. Hydro-energy is renewable, we cannot exhaust our resources. Hydraulic energy is green and non-polluting, it is reliable, flexible, and safe.
Larhyss journal also publishes articles on hydraulic works that neutralize the harmful effects of water, such as dams and spillways of any type...
Larhyss journal is among the very few journals that publish articles on the Foggaras, these ancestral ingenious systems for collecting groundwater conveyed through underground galleries that return water for irrigation purposes, without any motorization and therefore without energy consumption. Despite advances in research on these structures, their operation and socio-economic impact have not yet revealed all their secrets. Larhyss Journal continues to publish the latest developments on this topic. This is the outstanding theme of the journal given the huge number of readings to its credit.
Larhyss journal also publishes articles on the evaporation of bodies of water such as that of a dam. These studies are important as they focus on the increase in the water resource stock capacity, especially in arid or semi-arid areas. Many countries are affected by this problem. This is not often addressed by water science journals.
Another theme that Larhyss Journal favours, and which is not covered much by other journals on water, is the impact of climate change on water resources. In addition to the environmental and health impacts, climate change is likely to cause a profound disruption of the availability of water resources affecting, consequently, many sectors such as industry, energy production, agriculture, drinking water, sanitation, etc. Regarding drinking water and sanitation, global warming negatively impacts the quantity by increasing water stress and also the quality by the multiplication of pathogens, the salinization of soils and groundwater, etc. of water resources
Larhyss journal is also different from many other journals in that it allows discussion of all of its published articles, even if these are peer-reviewed. The research is based on discussion and exchange that allow other perspectives to emerge. On the other hand, diffusion is the pivot on which this exchange should be based. Thus, Larhyss Journal makes its contents visible and accessible without asking either readers or authors to pay.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
No 60 (2024): Issue 60

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ISSN: 2521-9782