
The Ghouts of Sandrous location situated in the municipality of El Ogla, El Oued are an example of the protected original agrarian system of the Soufis people compared to other Ghouts areas. Six Ghouts have been visited to better understand the concepts of this ancestral patrimony. The anthropogenic constraints causing the deterioration of the Ghouts have been determined, notably the evolved oasis system, the pivot irrigation system, and the hydrodynamic disequilibrium where two scenarios are determined. The first is related to the rise in the static level of the watertable. This scenario indicates for the first time a flooded Ghout due to a lithological subsidence phenomenon. However, the second scenario relates to the drawdown in the static level of the watertable. This last scenario evokes the drying up of Ghout. Other anthropogenic constraints have been raised to find solutions. The field technique of El Beneia built to plant new palm trees called Baalis is used to determine the watertable static level in Ghout. It allows the introduction of Ghout’s technique for the first time as a reference technique named the hydroagrarian alarm system for better managing the watertable.


El Oued, Algeria, Ghout, Patrimony, Watertable, Self-irrigation, Alarm system.

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