This study investigates the hydrogeochemical processes of groundwater in the Naama watershed in southwestern Algeria, aiming to determine the relationship between geochemical processes and groundwater quality. Multivariate statistical and thermodynamic techniques were applied to 22 groundwater samples to understand the hydrochemical evolution of the watershed. The results indicate that the water is predominantly characterized by a calcium-bicarbonate water type in the center of the study area (23% of samples) and a sodium chloride sulfate water type mainly located in the north due to Triassic dissolution and proximity to Sabkha (50% of samples), and the remaining 27% of samples are represented by the sulfate-sodium facies. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis revealed three major hydrochemical types reflecting different hydrochemical processes occurring along groundwater flow as electrical conductivity increased. The findings of this study could inform strategies for the sustainable management of groundwater resources in the Naama region and similar regions.
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