Many nations across the globe have incorporated carbon neutrality into their national agendas to see a more sustainable world. The basic sustainable journey is to find the equilibrium between the people, the environment and the economy. By conceptualizing inclusive carbon-neutral electrification, countries may achieve their aspiration at both the macro and micro levels. Macro national energy transition policies emphasized centralized technological shifts for grid systems and in many cases neglected rural communities. Some argued that Borneo’s disparity in socioeconomic status was due to a lack of electrification. Hence, this paper explored the decentralized community-based electrification potential through a micro hydropower initiative. Such technologies encourage watershed management and are closely related to the Tagal communities’ heritage. The paper explored the complex problem with the multihelix approach to examine each actor’s aspirations and concerns. Actors underwent a series of interviews based on five key aspects of sustainable rural electrification. By integrating multicriteria analysis (MCA), the qualitative research data were analyzed to find gaps for implementation. The findings supported the introduction of a new actor to best foster inclusive watershed management through micro hydropower electrification in Sabah, Malaysia.
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