Pipelines have been increasingly used as an efficient and economic means for the transportation of large quantities of resources such as water, fuel and gases. While there are various modes of transporting resources, pipeline systems happen to be among the safest. In the present study, the integrity of different components of the distribution network is checked for the sustainability of its designated pressure. The rubber gasket used as a sealing element in the distribution system is made from ethylene-propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and is tested to determine its stress‒strain behavior, which is further analyzed in finite element analysis. From the study, it is concluded that the Mooney-Rivlin nine-parameter model is best suited for EPDM, and full analysis of the joint shows that it can sustain the designated pressure without failure. In this way, a new class of pipe can be designed without an experimental setup, which is very costly and requires considerable space. This will revolutionize the distribution field and save the surrounding environment affected by leakage and failure.
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