Given the importance of water in human life, most communities have developed specific systems to exploit water resources in various aspects of life. From region to region, settlement to settlement, a set of determinant factors have contributed to these systems' creation and development. In this research, we have tried to highlight the particularities of the traditional water management system in the case of the village of Menades. We also tried to identify the transformations (technical, economic and social, etc.) and the development process that have influenced this system over the last forty years to become what it is today. By addressing these aspects, we attempted to identify the current difficulties of water management in the village and their possible solutions. The methodological tools used were observation, interviews, Google Earth Pro software, and microbiological analysis of the water. The results of the research indicate that the system has evolved as a result of a number of exogenous and endogenous factors. This evolution presents some positive aspects, but also a number of challenges and problems to which the various stakeholders need to work together to find appropriate solutions.
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