The rate of discharge in pipelines can be controlled using a gate valve. A wheel located at the top of a stem that features a round disc (called the gate) at its top can turn the gate. Each time the wheel rotates, a distinct linear disc movement is produced, which modifies the flow region. An experiment is presented in this paper that details the transition of the gate valve from a device that controls flow to one that measures flow. The experiment is conducted on a regular gate valve as well as a gate valve that has a rubber sleeve. The CFD analysis of a standard gate valve and one that has been altered is explained, and the results of the experimental investigation are utilised to support the findings of the CFD study. The experimental investigation demonstrated that the modified gate valve has the ability to function as a flow metre by incorporating a piezometer at both ends of the valve for the purpose of pressure monitoring. The findings that were obtained point to a substantial advance in the correlation that exists between disc orientation (angle) and discharge. With the help of computational fluid dynamics software, the flow through a gate valve with and without a rubber sleeve was analysed. The results of the CFD tests conducted without the rubber sleeve demonstrate that the flow rate variations are, in large part, the result of the establishment of variable separation zones on each side of the gate. In this study, the disagreement between the experimental data and the CFD findings has been analyzed, and a solution to the problem is suggested.
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