The investigation of scour near bridge piers has substantial importance in guaranteeing the secure and efficient design of the structure. The term "scouring phenomenon" pertains to the process of erosion and elimination of bed particles situated in close proximity to the bridge pier. The objective of this study is to examine the depth of local scour in the vicinity of six different pier forms, specifically circular, rectangular, sharp-nosed, oblong, joukowsky, and chamfered. The aim of this study is to ascertain the most efficient and economically viable design for bridge piers. The experiment encompasses a range of discharges and velocities, specifically ranging from 0.00104 cumecs to 0.00157 cumecs and from 0.22 meters per second to 0.33 meters per second, respectively. The study's results suggest that the presence of a horseshoe vortex contributes to the increased amplitude of scour at the rectangular bridge pier. In contrast, the depth of scour in the vicinity of the pointed nose pier is reduced due to the bifurcation of flow resulting from its streamlined contour. Furthermore, the model is simulated via the HEC-RAS modeling software. The correlation between the depths of scour measured in my experiment and the depth of scour predicted by three different numerical models has been established. The results of this study have the capacity to provide valuable insights for the decision-making process regarding the selection of bridge pier designs. The findings indicate that the sharp nose pier shape exhibits superior performance in terms of both safety and serviceability compared to the other five pier shapes.
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