K Bitar, I Jouilil, R Delhi, A Hilali, F Benzha, A Kaoukaya, H Rhinane, L Baidder, M Tahiri


OumErbiaRiversupplies a large portion ofMorocco's cities, 50% of the drinking water needs of the Great Casablanca (the metropolis and economic capital ofMorocco, home to four million inhabitants) comes from Oum Erbia basin.

The location of the basin, sedimentary and water capacity, and urban and agricultural characteristics; make it sensitive and vulnerable to various types of pollution (industrial, urban and / or agricultural) which are increasing day by day. The analysis of both raw water and sediment collected from this basin leads to class conclude that this basin presents high risk of contamination. However most of the analyzed water masses along the Oum Erbia remains of good quality approved by preliminary tests'' in situ'' and others more specific made in laboratory, despite the many risks which faces it continually.


Raw surface water, drinking water, fresh water pollution, watershed Oum Erbia, Morocco.

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