In the perspective of current climate variability and the impact of human activities on water overexploitation, it is essential to analyze dry and wet episodes for a better prevention and rationalization of water resources. The Mediterranean region and particularly the southern shore, is a drought sensitive area.
Algeria, like most Mediterranean countries has experienced alternating dry and wet periods in recent decades. Several climatic events have had a negative impact on agriculture, industry and drinking water supply. As a result, human societies and ecosystems are under increasing threat requiring new adaptations of life and economic models to support these upheavals.
The present study focuses on monitoring of the meteorological drought evolution in the Isser wadi watershed, located in the north-central part of Algeria, based on available rainfall data covering a 43-year period from 1973 to 2016.
The current study has made it possible to account for the extreme variability of rainfall in this watershed. In order to do this, different indices were studied in this work, namely the normalized precipitation index SPI, the rainfall deficit index RDI, and the drought index DI. All The obtained results have highlighted the severe and sustainable character of the climatic drought observed in the Isser basin from 1973 to 2002 as well as the return to a wet phase, well pronounced in the north of the basin from 2003 to 2016. Finally, in order to better understand this work, index maps tools for decision-making have been established.
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