Vehicles and small-scale power generation systems rely on petroleum-based fuels, known as hydrocarbons (HC). When these hydrocarbons burn, they release gases such as CO2, CO, HC, and NOx, which can have adverse effects on both the environment and human health. Hydrogen gas, generated through water electrolysis, offers a promising alternative to hydrocarbon-derived fuels. This article delves into an experimental investigation focused on H2 gas production using water electrolysis. The primary objective is to explore the influence of alkaline electrolytic cell operating parameters on hydrogen gas production, cell efficiency, and power consumption. Stainless steel SS316 serves as the electrode material, while potassium hydroxide (KOH) acts as the aqueous electrolyte solution. Operating parameters such as electrolyte concentration (m), electrolyte temperature (°C), and distance between electrodes (mm) are carefully chosen to analyse their impact on reducing power usage. The Taguchi approach, facilitated by MINITAB software, is employed for experiment design selection, with the Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio guiding the determination of the optimal operating parameters. Through ANOVA (analysis of variance), the individual contribution of each operating parameter to power utilization is assessed. A regression equation is formulated to predict hydrogen production rate, cell efficiency, and power consumption. Experimental data is compared with predicted values to validate the regression equation's accuracy.
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