Nitrogen compounds, including nitrates, are threatening the quality of water in the Continental Terminal aquifer in the Abidjan district. Consumption of nitrate-rich water (over 50 mg/l) can have harmful effects on human health. This study was prompted by the observation that nitrate levels were high in the water from certain boreholes in the Adjamé Nord catchment area, with the aim of reducing nitrate levels in drinking water. To achieve this objective, the water from a borehole was filtered on a weakly basic anionic resin pilot plant to reduce the nitrate content in the drinking water. The variation in the flow rate of raw water passing through the resins was studied to see the effect of the flow rate on nitrate removal. Three flow rates were tested, taking into account the treatment capacity of the pilot plant (200 l/h; 300 l/h and 800 l/h). The results of the elimination tests show that the resin is effective in denitrating the water. The duration of the cycle varies according to the flow rate (78h for 200l/h; 46h for 300l/h and 14h for 800l/h). At the start of each cycle, the raw water nitrate removal rate reaches 95% and decreases over time. Whatever the flow rate of the raw water used, nitrate removal was satisfactory (95.68% for the 200l/h cycle, 90.81% for the 300l/h cycle and 91.08% for the 800l/h cycle).
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