The advancement of computational hydraulic simulations has reached an impressive zenith, markedly enhancing our comprehension of anthropogenic influences on fluvial dynamics and the intricacies of sustainable hydrological stewardship. The extensively utilized HEC-HMS model, a creation of the US Army Corps of Engineers, remains deficient in tailored calibration for Indian catchments. This scholarly inquiry sought to evaluate the applicability of HEC-HMS version 4.10 to the designated study area, employing three distinct calibration methodologies: the deficit and constant loss approach, the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method, and the Green and Ampt infiltration model. The principal objective was to ascertain the optimal simulation technique aligning with the unique characteristics of the study catchment. A meticulous investigation within the Wardha River catchment encompassed an 18-year dataset, comprising daily precipitation and temperature records procured from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), captured at a refined spatial granularity of 0.25° × 0.25°. Additionally, daily potential evapotranspiration, computed via the Hargreaves Equation, was integrated. The dataset was further augmented by daily discharge data from the India Water Resources Information System, specifically from the Sirpur gauge station outlet, spanning the years 2001 to 2018, facilitating a profound hydrological analysis. GIS layers were integrated into the calibration process using HEC-HMS 4.10, enhancing the hydrological modeling and analysis. After the calibration phase (2001-2010), the model was evaluated with new data from 2011-2018 using metrics like RMSE, NSE, and R². The empirical results indicated that the most reliable flow simulations were obtained through the integration of the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) loss method with the SCS unit hydrograph approach, outperforming the Clark unit hydrograph and Snyder unit hydrograph methods. However, it is imperative to note that the utilization of the SCS-CN method as the loss mechanism did not yield satisfactory outcomes when combined with the Snyder unit hydrograph method. Conversely, the Deficit and Constant Loss method and the Green and Ampt infiltration model showed similar performance metrics, including NSE, with all three unit hydrograph methods. This uniformity underscores their robustness and reliability in generating consistent hydrological simulations within the specific context of the study.
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