Water pollution presents a considerable ecological hazard, especially in rapidly industrializing areas like Korba. This study examines deficiencies in health risk assessment and pollutant source identification in the region. The study indicated that the amounts of Na⁺, Ca²⁺, F⁻, Mn, As, Mo, Sr, and Ni were beyond the allowable thresholds for potable water. The Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HMPI), and the Heavy Metal Evaluation Index (HMEI), all showed that the main heavy metals found in surface and sub-surface water sources from the Korba coal mines were manganese (Mn), cadmium (Cd), molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni). Fluoride (F⁻) was recognized as a significant pollutant.
The findings highlight an urgent necessity for pollution control, namely addressing As, F⁻, and Mn, to safeguard public health. Regular monitoring, filtration, and purification are crucial for guaranteeing safe drinking water in the region.
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