This study evaluates groundwater availability using an integrated approach combining the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), GIS and remote sensing techniques in Gomati District, Tripura. Diverse datasets including geology, rainfall, soil types, and remote sensing data are processed using Arc-GIS (Arc-map 10.3). These datasets are assigned weights according to Saaty's scale and subsequently normalized through the AHP. Arc-GIS overlay analysis shows that most of the Gomati district has excellent groundwater potential, with the good zone covering 81% (261.57 km²), the fair zone covering 16% (53.34 km²), and the excellent zone covering 3% (9.05 km²). Key findings indicate that lower drainage densities from the Debtamura hill range lead to higher groundwater potential due to increased infiltration. Dense vegetation and bare ground enhance recharge potential, while flatter terrains are more favorable for groundwater accumulation. Analyzing 33 years of rainfall data shows that higher altitudes receive more rainfall, further boosting groundwater potential.
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