Most of the Small Island Developing State (SIDS) nations are now focusing on variable renewable energy sources. However, these variable renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are unpredictable and bring instabilities in the electric power system if not buffered by a reliable storage system. The proposed system will be a low head pumped hydro storage system using seawater as the medium. Given the fact that most SIDS are isolated and surrounded by large bodies of water, this paper will examine the potential use of the sea as a lower reservoir to generate sufficient energy from a relatively low head. This research will focus on detecting potential locations for the pumped hydro storage system sites on the island of Trinidad and Tobago (one of the SIDS nations) using the ArcGIS.Pro program. These sites were classified based on several criteria and the average potential power that can be generated was established. A total of 2001 potential sites were found that can sufficiently generate substantial energy for the island. Of these 2001 potential sites, 1127 were within the “Fair” classification, 725 were within the “Good” classification, 108 were within the “Very Good” classification and 41 were within the “Excellent” classification. The estimated total energy that can be generated from the seawater pumped hydro storage system with the SIDS of Trinidad was found to be approximately 70.43 x 1014 J with a total estimated cumulative storage capacity of 4.81 x 109 m3.
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