This article analyzes the spatio-temporal dynamics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) in three ponds in the Brenne National Park (France): Thomas, Pifaudière and Neuf. A total of 216 water samples were collected monthly between October 2017 and October 2019. The collected data were then processed using 3D fluorescence spectroscopy and a PARAFAC (parallel factorial analysis) model. The PARAFAC analysis identified three main fluorophore components: component M (λ ex/em = 290-325 / 370-430 nm), corresponding to low-molecular-weight neoformed humic substances (UVA humic-like); component C (λ ex/em = 320-360 / 420-460 nm) and component A (λ ex/em = 250-260 / 448-480 nm), which are representing terrestrial aromatic humic compounds (UVC humic-like). Fluorescence indices indicated HIX values ranging from 5.21 to 16.78, typical of terrestrial origin of dissolved organic matter, particularly prominent in Pifaudière pond during spring (max = 16.78). On the other hand, BIX indices, which measure autochthonous biological activity, remained below 1, fluctuating between 0.46 and 0.77, suggesting a low proportion of freshly produced organic matter. The results show that Pond Neuf has the highest concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM), with fluorescence intensities almost twice those of the other ponds, reaching maximum values of 15,000 A.U. for component M in the fall. Pond Pifaudière is characterized by a high content of terrestrial humic compounds, particularly component C. Seasonal analysis reveals that fluorescence intensities are relatively higher in autumn, probably due to the decomposition of surrounding vegetation. In winter, a significant decrease is observed, attributed to MOD dilution and precipitation; for example, fluorescence in Thomas Pond decreased from 8,000 A.U. in autumn to 5,000 A.U. during winter. In spring and summer, a notable increase in fluorescence intensities was recorded in Thomas and Neuf ponds, probably due to anthropogenic inputs linked to agricultural activities. Overall, this study highlights the homogeneity of biogeochemical processes between ponds, with predominantly terrestrial MOD inputs and spatio-temporal variations. These results provide essential information for the appropriate and sustainable management of these aquatic ecosystems.
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