
To reduce losses induced per urban flood risks, it is necessary to study them through numerical modeling and obtain beforehand accurate and reliable information. In this manuscript, the sewer rainwater network (in the central part of the city of Algiers) has been modeled, and its behavior has been simulated for different return periods using the one-dimensional model of Mike Urban with unidirectional coupling between the hydrological and hydraulic models. The simulation focuses on two known flow processes: hydrological simulation (single and double linear reservoir) and hydraulic simulation (solving the Saint Venant equations). Model calibration is carried out on rainfall-flow measurements conducted during rainy periods. The simulation allowed to identify the overflow points in the network. These points will be classified according to the flood hazard defined by the overflow height and flow velocity, which will be estimated from the slope map. To combine these two factors (height and velocity), the concept of specific energy is used to quantify the flood hazard. The hazard scores obtained were classified into four classes using the jenks natural breaks method, where 58% of overflow points present a significant hazard.


Modeling, Urban Floods, Simulation, Sewer Network, Hazard

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