Managing water resources in the lowlands of watersheds is crucial, especially in the context of climate variability and change. This article explores the challenges and opportunities associated with water management in the lowlands of the Aga-Foua-Djilas watershed in Senegal. The study examines people's perceptions of water resources, hydro agricultural structures, the relationship between water resources and production activities, the impacts of climate change on the water cycle, and people's expectations for sustainable water resource management. The study combines analysis of secondary data and community surveys. The results show that 82.7% of the population surveyed consider water resources to be scarce, and 47.4% consider hydro-agricultural structures to be very useful. Agriculture (market gardening 69.5%; rice growing 21.6%) and livestock farming (76.3%) are the main activities practiced. These activities have an impact on water quality and quantity. In addition, over 80% of the population expect technical and financial support, the construction of hydro-agricultural structures, the creation of village committees, the demarcation of livestock grazing areas, and their involvement in choosing the location of hydro-agricultural structures. These expectations are crucial for sustainable and efficient watershed management. Involving communities in the planning and execution of water projects enables beneficiaries to take ownership of the initiatives, strengthening their resilience to climatic fluctuations. Climate change has a profound impact on the water cycle in the watershed and directly influences various activities in the lowlands, requiring the sustainable use of water resources for a variety of purposes. These results underline the need for authorities to support integrated and sustainable water management in watersheds sensitive to climate change.
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