Flash floods are a major natural hazard in mountainous areas, particularly within small river watershed. The Chu Va stream, located in the mountainous region of Vietnam, serves as a representative example where flash floods frequently occur, leading to substantial losses in both human life and property. This study employs spatial analysis and multi-criteria analysis techniques, utilizing survey data, expert assessments, and satellite imagery, to investigate the underlying mechanisms of flash flood events over the past two decades. The findings indicate that 95% of flash floods occur during the rainy season (June to August), with an average event rainfall of 274.8 mm and an average rainfall intensity of 19.05 mm/h. The primary mechanisms identified in the formation of flash floods in this watershed include heavy rainfall, material movement, flow obstruction, and sediment deposition. Additionally, the basin’s morphological features, such as steep slopes and flow convergence, are found to significantly contribute to the increased frequency of flash floods. These results are critical for advancing the understanding of flash flood dynamics in small river basins, and can inform the development of more effective flash flood forecasting and mitigation strategies in Vietnam's mountainous regions.
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