
Filtration enhanced the quality of water samples from various areas. The present study evaluates the impact of a portable water filter system on water quality parameters. The wastewater samples' pH readings before and after filtering, which meet environmental and discharge criteria of 6.6–8.5, vary greatly. The initial wastewater samples from domestic (pH 4.70), industrial (pH 6.90), and municipal solid waste (pH 9.28) sources have pH levels outside the permissible range. This signals acidity or alkalinity issues. Filtration raises wastewater pH to 6.93 (residential), 6.92 (industrial), and 6.71 (MSW). Residential wastewater dropped from 1.35 NTU to 1.09 NTU, within the safe drinking water range (1–5 NTU). Filtering lowered industrial wastewater turbidity from 2.67 NTU to 1.25 NTU, indicating effectiveness. After filtration, the turbidity of municipal solid waste (MSW) wastewater fell from 7.65 NTU to 4.35 NTU. After filtering, the residential wastewater content increased from 65 mg/L to 85 mg/L. This new value is within the 10-300 mg/L range but close to the maximum limit. Successful treatment reduced industrial wastewater contaminants from 240 mg/L to 184 mg/L, meeting discharge restrictions. Filtration reduced municipal solid waste (MSW) effluent from 283 mg/L to 265 mg/L, demonstrating partial pollution eradication. After filtration, residential wastewater content dropped from 295 mg/L to 265 mg/L, within the 250–500 mg/L limit. Filtration reduced industrial wastewater from 310 mg/L to 275 mg/L, proving the treatment. The filtration procedure removed pollutants, lowering MSW effluent from 440 mg/L to 395 mg/L. Thus, the implementation of a portable water filtration system has resulted in impressive improvements in wastewater quality. This includes significant improvements in pH stability, reductions in turbidity levels, and effective lowering of BOD and COD parameters. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also emphasizes our commitment to promoting sustainable water management techniques.


Assessment; Wastewater sample; Portable water filter; pH; Turbidity; BOD; COD.

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