
Flooding is widely recognized as one of the most extensive and destructive natural disasters on a global scale. Evaluating these flood hazards is crucial in the context of urban planning, land development, and hydrological analysis. Countries with arid climates pose a significant risk of flooding due to factors such as heavy rainfall, rapid urbanization, dry and infertile soils, and insufficient drainage systems. The study was conducted in the Wadi Tamda watershed, situated in the Doucen wilaya of Ouled Djellal, Algeria. The Wadi Tamda watershed is distinguished by the occurrence of swift inundation shortly after the initiation of rainfall. The objective of this study is to determine the locations that are susceptible to flooding, specifically those that experience floods with return periods of 10, 20, 50, and 100 years. In addition, we aim to create flood maps for extreme flood events in the region. This methodology has the potential to enhance the evaluation of flood vulnerability risk in the designated region. The methodology employed the HEC-RAS 2D model to simulate the hydraulic flow in the watercourse, considering various flow and boundary conditions. The simulation results were subsequently exported and analyzed using the Google Earth Engine software to generate flood maps. The risk maps indicate that the majority of the agricultural regions and a developed section of the secondary settlement of Khafoura, as well as the town of Doucen, are situated within a flood zone that poses a significant risk.


Flood risk; Wadi Tamda; HEC-RAS 2D; Google Earth Engine, Doucen

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