
The study aimed to examine, from theoretical and experimental perspectives, the modified H-Flume as a flow measurement device for rectangular open channels. By introducing a vertical V-notch at the terminal section, the modified H-Flume allows for the derivation of theoretical relationship governing the discharge coefficient (Cd) and the stage-discharge relationship, overcoming the limitations of the original design. These relationships depend on the dimensionless parameter M1 = mh1/B, which encapsulates the key geometric and flow characteristics of the device.

Solely depending on M1, the study introduces the relative upstream flow depth h1, which is a dimensionless parameter defined as the ratio of the upstream flow depth (h1) to the critical flow depth (h2,c) at the V-notch, capturing the hydraulic state of the upstream flow relative to critical conditions. This dimensionless parameter plays a pivotal role in determining the discharge coefficient (Cd). Indeed, the discharge coefficient (Cd) is fundamentally governed by h1, as it encapsulates the energy transformation and flow behavior from the upstream subcritical state to the downstream critical state. This relationship ensures that Cd is a precise function of the hydraulic conditions at the approach channel and the geometry of the V-notch. The relationship between h1and Cd is mathematically linked through energy principles and dimensionless parameters, emphasizing their interdependence. In addition, since Cd is directly influenced by h1, the flow rate (Q) can be uniquely determined by measuring the upstream depth h1. This dependency eliminates ambiguity in the stage-discharge relationship and enables accurate flow rate predictions. As practical implications, the explicit dependence of Cd on h1(M1)simplifies flow measurements, as a single depth reading at the upstream section suffices to determine the discharge. This relationship enhances the practicality of the modified H-Flume, ensuring reliability across a broad range of flow conditions.

An increase in h1corresponds to changes in flow dynamics and directly affects Cd, enabling the accurate estimation of the discharge rate (Q).

Explicit approximate equations for h1(M1) were developed, simplifying the calculation of Cdwhile maintaining remarkable accuracy. These equations revealed that h1is a critical intermediary variable, as it reflects the flow’s evolution through the flume and its approach to the critical state at the V-notch. This link establishes the modified H-Flume as a semi-modular device where Cd depends not only on the geometric characteristics of the flume but also on the upstream flow conditions represented by h1.

The strong theoretical and experimental foundation of this study confirms the reliability and practicality of the modified H-Flume. The established relationships between h1, Cd, and Q offer a robust framework for precise flow measurement, providing significant advancements in open-channel hydraulics. This makes the modified H-Flume an invaluable tool for applications requiring high accuracy and versatility across a wide range of flow conditions. Indeed, four modified H-Flumes, with varying geometries, were subjected to experimental testing across 1480 flow conditions. Results show excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental discharge coefficients, with maximum deviations of only 0.185%. This validates the modified H-Flume's accuracy and reliability, making it a practical and theoretically sound tool for open-channel flow measurement.


Modified H-Flume, Flow Measurement, Discharge Coefficient, Discharge, V-notch, Open Channel Hydraulics, Rectangular channel, Semi-modularity.

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