
This study investigates the unexpected flood event that is reported in Mersa Matruh, Egypt, in October 2023, using hydrological modeling techniques. Despite the recorded precipitation depth being lower than that of a 2-year return period storm, the area experienced significant flooding. To address this anomaly, the study applied the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method, calculating surface runoff based on preprocessed land use, soil, and hydrological data. Using the HEC-HMS software, runoff and flood hydrographs are simulated for a 50-year return period precipitation event. The analysis showed significant variation in peak runoff discharge across the five basins, with peak values ranging from 103.7 m³/s to 782.3 m³/s. A flood hazard map is developed to identify high-risk flood zones, highlighting the most vulnerable areas for future flooding events. These findings suggest that factors such as insufficient drainage infrastructure, malfunctioning flood protection measures, and topographical influences may have exacerbated the flooding. The results provide crucial insights into the hydrological processes contributing to the October 2023 flood and offer valuable data for developing effective flood risk management and mitigation strategies in the region.


Flood analysis, DEM, Remote sensing, Spatial analyst, Flood hazard map.

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