
Only water stored underground can withstand climate change. In recent years, dams that store surface water have shown their limitations in the face of a disrupted climate. From the water reserves of dried-up dams, water returns to the sky in the form of vapor. It is groundwater that has kept the population thirst-free. This study, devoted to the assessment of groundwater in Algeria, is part of a free project on the water issue in Algeria, which began in the 1990s. Two regions stand out for their different characteristics. In northern Algeria, groundwater is stored in open aquifers, which are not far from the ground. These waters, hidden in open aquifers, have been estimated at 2 billion m3 and are used 100/100. However, in southern Algeria, two types of aquifers are present: open aquifers and confined aquifers. Unassessed, billions of m3 of the Sahara's groundwater have not been used. Regarding the waters of the confined aquifers, we have inventoried 6 aquifers which are located on Algerian territory. These are the aquifers of the Northern Sahara aquifer system, the Iulleden-Tanzrouft-Taoudeni aquifer system, the Mourzouk aquifer, the Mourzouk aquifer, the Tindouf aquifer, the Bechar-Er-Rachidia aquifer, the Meghnia aquifer. Without mentioning the groundwater, and if we only consider the poorly rechargeable aquifers (which number 6), Algeria has a water surface area of approximately 1,285,000 km2, or a rate of 54% of the Algerian territory. Indeed, Algeria has not yet exploited the full potential of water stored in underground reservoirs. So, to properly manage these quantities of water in southern Algeria, we have proposed dividing the Sahara into four hydrographic basins. These are the Western Saharan Piedmont-La Saoura-Hamada Guir-Tindouf hydrographic basin, the Tassili N'Ajjer-Ahaggar-Tanezrouft hydrographic basin, the Touat-Gourara-Tidikelt hydrographic basin, and the Mzab Chebka-Oued Righ-Souf-Ouargla hydrographic basin. Northern Algeria still retains these four hydrographic basins. Therefore, the Algerian territory will be divided into eight hydrographic basins.


Groundwater, Deep aquifer, Water table, Depletion, Algeria

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