Integrated management of water resources is a systematic process for the sustainable development, allocation and monitoring of the use of water resources in the context of social, economic and environmental objectives. It differs from the sectoral approach that applies in many countries. When the responsibility of drinking water based on an agency for water to another for irrigation and yet another for the environment, the lack of inter-sectoral linkages leads management and development uncoordinated resources water, resulting in conflict and waste. Djemila ancient city named by the Romans which they have developed a system of management of water resources based on the distribution in the three sectors of the time the agriculture , baths and drinking water for the population and army. Water resources exploited and capture sources Cenomanian limestone, the limestone-marl and limestone of Maastrichtian and Ypresian in the heart of the anticline of the web Djemila. The same sources have been exploited since Roman times to the present time, but the managements techniques differ from one time to another, or finds an anarchic exploitation strategies without making the resource Insufficient water for agriculture, drinking and units of building materials (brick). Perspective as integrated water resources management (IWRM) proposes a planning process to meet the future needs of the water resources in the region.
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