Flooding risk is a contemporary concern in Algeria and worldwide, especially in light of several recent large-scale catastrophic floods in several countries. In this context, protection systems against floods are becoming increasingly necessary for all actors concerned (decision-makers and technicians).
The present work focused on a new program created in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to supply parameters for sizing a damping reservoir to control floods. This program will be applied to the IDLES basin in southern Algeria, where many devastating floods are known.
The chosen approach involves the selection of the most vulnerable location for the flood. These hydrological flow data have been calculated according to the empirical approach producing a higher flow rate to the maximum permitted for the streambed, where flood routing is used to size the reservoir. The current condition was added to the VBA application after choosing the most intriguing location to locate the reservoir to generate scenarios and enable the selection of an optimal situation in light of the restrictions being put forth to regulate floods in the IDLES basin.
A very acceptable and practical result is highlighted, indicating general parameters for sizing a damping reservoir to control floods in the IDLES basin; the results present a size of 2 km2 bottom area and 7.25 m in length, which can dampen a centennial flood flow of approximately 284.22 m3/s to 94.71 m3/s, i.e., a depreciation of 67%.
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