
Despite all the hydraulic infrastructures and groundwater resources at its disposal, the Wilaya of Mascara is suffering from an increasing water stress. The growing water requirements in this region exceed available resources. However, persistent drought, mismanagement, increasing population and an intensification of agriculture activities are all responsible for the reduction of water reserves in the region. Groundwater resources are mobilized mainly from the aquifer system of the Ghriss plain. However, the pressure on the main water resource, in this case the groundwater has led to a quantitative and qualitative degradation of this resource. In addition, and facing an invasive siltation, dams do not fulfill their initial aims. In this context, water managers have opted for a regional water transfer from the desalination station of Mactaa to the towns situated northern of the Wilaya of Mascara, which suffers from a deficit estimated at more than 36000 m3/ Day. In this work we try to diagnose the water situation in the region, considering the national and regional context. The prospects of water situation for this region are also treated based on the plans set by guardianship and water managers responsible for planning at specialized organizations.


Water Stress, Overexploitation, Regional Transfer, Water Management.

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