The water is a vital resource for the man, animal and plant species, and a solvent essential to economic activities. The objectives of this work are the characterization of the waters of the river Lukunga by the determination of the parameters of pollution (physico-chemical in the samples of water collected from various sites in its basin and the assessment of their impact on the riparian populations.
The physico-chemical characterization of these waters has revealed that they are very responsible in organic matter in term of DCO (Avg.= 57,l2 mgO2/L), in DBO5 (Avg. = 38,84 nigO2/L), in dissolved oxygen (0.32 - 0.7 mgO2/L), in Suspend Mattet (Avg. = 9.40 mg/L), and mineral matter expressed in term of electrical conductivity (Avg 375 - 448 gSlcin) with an average pH of 6.7. The mean levels in nitrate ions, sulfate, and orthophosphate are respectively of the order of 394,2 mg/L, 16.7 mg/L and 29.1 mg/L.
These values are very disturbing because they are superior to that of the standards of the WHO, which represents a certain risk for public health and for the environment. The pollution is important especially downstream of the station governance of Waters (Régideso) because the waters of the river Lukunga receive in addition of the effluent from the Régideso, of household waste and other landfills not controlled. It is appropriate that the public authorities are involved in the integral management of effluents and other waste finally to protect freshwater resources, a national heritage in degradation.
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