The paper analyzes some geographic aspects of fisheries of Montenegro. The total catch of marine fish by species was 741 tons, while the catch of freshwater fish amounted to 838 tons, which does not correspond to potential development of Montenegro. Specific problems related to the field of fisheries in Montenegro, according to the "Strategy of Fisheries Development Strategy of Montenegro (2006)” are: fishermen are reluctant to invest in their ships; the activities of ships confined to coastal waters, poor fishing tradition, almost no organized training of fishermen, ship repair problematic system to record the amount of fish caught is not good, lack of adequate fishing ports, lack of specialized stores for sale of fishing gear and equipment, the high cost of shipping fuels ... Ships the fishing fleet are very old (over 40 years old on average), it is impossible to catch them at greater depths, are quite uncertain for work, and is required to restore them. Compared with other countries in the Adriatic, Montenegro has an extremely small trawler fleet (0007 of ships per km² in the territorial sea). None of the fishing boats have not worked is outside 12 nautical miles. Membership in the European Union, Montenegro will receive direct access to the single market of the European Union; Montenegrin fishermen will get the option of an equal placing fish on the market. Using funds from the European Fisheries Fund, as well as better organization of the fisheries sector through the association in producer organizations, will enable better positioning of Montenegrin fisheries market in the wider European context.
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