
The area of El Tarf is along the littoral and fact part of the most sprinkled areas the Algerian North-East. The climate of El Tarf is of the wet Mediterranean type, characterized by two six months seasons each one. In this study we made the comparison between the annual variability of the parameters climatic to that of altitude (Z). The data processing by software “XL Stat” made it possible to see the various correlations between the various parameters of the climate of the zone of study, is made on eight variables (Altitude, Tp, Pr, ETP, ETPR, Deficit, Surplus, Aridity) in four weather stations (El Kala, Ain El Assel, Ben M’hidi, Saltworks) over one 34 years period (1975 - 2009). The space variation of the temperatures and the ETP reflect the effect of the position compared to the sea. Whereas precipitations, the surplus, ETR and the index of aridity increase with altitude. The stations are gathered in two partitions, the first corresponds to the stations located on the Eastern slope (East) (Ain El Assel and El-Kala) and the second understands those located on Western slope (Western) (Ben M’Hidi, Saline).


Climate, Weather, Software XL Stat, Wet, North-eastern Algerian

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