
This article deals with the simplification of drinking water networks issues. It consists in systemizing sections of the drinking water supply network by keeping fixed the number of nodes. First, we aim to connectall the nodes with arcs, and then we recommend the best iterative choice for the gill sections to add into the arc’s structure. In the absence of knowledge regarding the hydraulic system of the full network to be modeled, and, in order to approach the previous choice, the choice of the suggested sections is based on estimated values of the pressurelooses in the new sections and takes into account the new meshes created. To illustrate this skeletonization technique, its application on real networks has been examinated. The results of these applications are very interesting especially in the case of the modelization of the water quality in the networks. The suggested model will be one of the realistic bridges between le Geographic Information System and the hydraulic calculation.


drinking water networks; simplification; sections (arcs), nodes, iterative choice.

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