
The Cameroonian example of aquatic resources management is typical for any developing country. It is important to analyse the potentialities of the country, the exploitation of the aquatic resources and the quality of water related products that are proposed for consumption by the population. This publication evaluates the phenomenon of water exploitation, with a verification of the documents and revues that have treated the subject matter. The synchronisation of the different information shows the available resources, and while the quantitative and qualitative products destined for the consumption needs amelioration since 55-65% of human body build up is water. Cameroon possesses 360km of cost with a continental shore of 14500 km2. There are acute water problems since only 1% population is subscribed in the water cooperation .The aquatic resources that are estimated at 18 500 m3 per year are abundant and their exploitation constantly increases in the rural and urban areas. The population considers the disponibility of water as a major environmental problem, as this will reduce waterborne diseases such as Cryptosporidium,  Giardia, amoeba, microsporidium, isospora et cyclosporidium, Ascaris, Dracunculisis, Ankylostome , schistosomiasis and other waterborne diseases.


Exploitation, Quality, Water resources, Cameroon

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