
Groundwater is the main source of drinking water supply to Abidjan population. However, the rapid growth of this population and the highest demand in water caused a deficit in the drinking water supply. Faced with this deficit, the State turned to the Bonoua aquifer exploitation, by the establishment of two new catchments, Tchintchébé and Ono. Therefore, this study was undertaken to carry out a hydrogeological model able to simulate Bonoua aquifer level on the horizon 2020 and to cartography drawdown cone induced by the exploitation of the new boreholes. The model has been carried out under the Visual Modflow interface in steady-state mode and it has been calibrated manually from the piezometry of 2000. The Normalized Root Mean Squared residual obtained is 4.86% (<10%) and makes it possible to say that the calibration obtained is judged to be satisfactory. Pumping rate of Bonoua aquifer increased from 11 362 m3/d in 2000 to 105 731 m3/d in 2020 after 20 years. This increasing resulted in drawdowns ranging from 1.5 to 112.5 cm with a mean of 31.54 cm.


Boreholes, drawdown, Hydrogeological modeling, Visual Modflow, Bonoua aquifer

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