In numerous developing countries, the pollution, connected to a massive population growth and to inadequate infrastructures of purification and waste treatment, establishes a threat for the public health, the wild sorts as well as for sources of income. In an era of unprecedented urbanization, the pressure of the population and the industrial growth are of seriousness today threaten for the management of the water in Senegal. The water pollution by the drainings untreated, the industrial waste and the agricultural drainage limited the availability of the water resources of the country. The human health faces the serious problems because of the deterioration of the quality of the drinking water. This article supplies an overview of the quality problems of the water in Senegal while underlining the challenges of applications of the laws and the policies of the water as well as their defects in Senegal. Even if the water is available in quantity in Senegal, in certain parts of the country, this vital resource is not of quality and more of one million Senegalese have not a quality water because of the strong content in fluorine and in salt, the contamination by industrial waste or human pollution (DGPRE). Although Senegal developed many laws and policies of the water, their application remains difficult in the face of the strong pollution always present. However, the strict execution of the regulations for the environment and the water in Senegal is compulsory. Furthermore, it is necessary to establish a system of evaluation of reliable risk for the quality of the water, the human health and the ecological security.
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