The objective of this study is to examine the reactivity of the humic type organic material in the presence of chlorine as sodium hypochlorite. Humic substances are dissolved in water from different origins (distilled water, drilling Sidi Khellil and Ain Dalia Dam). The effect of ammonia is especially considered in these reactions.
The experimental tests focused on the determination of chlorine consumption potentials, the influence of the chlorination rate, as well as the influence of the initial ammonia concentration.
The results obtained show that the reactivity of chlorine with respect to humic substances, in the presence of ammonia, is very important both in distilled and in mineralized waters and whatever changes in various parameters.
For variable rates of introduced chlorine, a breakpoint characteristic curve is obtained, the latter being more pronounced in the case of distilled water and mineralized drilling water.
The involvement of ammonium ions in the chlorination reaction, and more particularly the value of the chlorine / ammonia ratio, can influence both the nature and the quantity of by-products formed (chloramines and organohalogen compounds).
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