
The objective of our study is to observe the effectiveness of coagulation-flocculation with aluminum sulphate for the removal of a puric base which is caffeine in distilled water, as well as the effect of metal salts during this process. The experimental tests were carried out on synthetic solutions of distilled water doped with caffeine alone and then enriched with metal salts such as FeSO4, 7H2O; MnCl2, 3H2O; ZnSO4, 7H2O. The results show that the caffeine removal yields obtained during coagulation-flocculation with aluminum sulphate alone are quite low. These yields are accompanied by a remarkable decrease of pH. However, the addition of metal salts, especially iron, seems to increase caffeine removal yields in significant way. It is to highlight that the efficiency of the process depends on the structure of the organic compound to eliminate, type and concentration of the salt tested.


Caffeine, coagulation flocculation, aluminum sulphate, pH, metal salts.

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