The fundamental relationship between the concentration of suspended sediment, C, of a river and its water discharge, Q, during floods is studied qualitatively by analyzing temporal graphics and hysteresis curves (C-Q) graphics. The study of 20 floods of both gauging stations in the Wadi Mina watershed is much more oriented toward the graphics and statistics that would give the development graph of C and Q. Analysis of the hysteresis effect on the relationship, concentration - liquid flow, enabled through a series of chronological events to characterize the relationship (C-Q), to develop a classification of this relationship, and emerge models dominant hysteresis loop. The models clockwise direction, counterclockwise direction and figure-eight are the most dominants in the Wadi Mina watershed, for both Wadi El-Abtal and Sidi AEK Djilali gauging stations. The hysteresis analysis by class showed the relative absence of the seasonal effect on the shape of the loop obtained. The Autumn, Winter and Spring seasons have heterogeneous classes due to the heterogeneity of the basin, in terms of lithology and spatial distribution of rainfall (irregular rainfall-runoff regime of the basin), and the spread of the summer period.
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