The regulation of the water services is an increasingly updated topic in Algeria. The regulation of the water services is the proficiency of managers in the water sector. They are the ones to decide on investments, organize the exploitation and negotiate the price. If the user is the consignee of the service, he intervenes just very indirectly in the management choices. Taking note of the limit of control over the resources and the lack of instruments for monitoring and control, emerging from the analysis of the present situation, this work comes to reinforce the actions already initiated by the manager of the sector and offers the simplest and easiest measurable range of the performance indicators, as an appropriate tool to assure the function of regulation. The group of indicators so developed and tested on the Urban Group of the county of Tlemcen, managed by the Algerian of Waters (ADE), the unit of the county of Tlemcen, has proved the damage of this network.
The obtained results can be generalized and will allow apprehending the content of the service, optimizing the management, assuring monitoring and control, inducing the improvement of performance and communicationbetween the actors in the content ofawell-definedorganization.
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