The catchment area of Wadi Mina (Algeria) belongs to the great basin of the Chelif River. It extends over 6100 km², equipped with eight rainfall measuring stations and controlled by four hydrometric stations. Precipitation is the most important element of climate for both human and natural environment. All the resources in the ground or surface waters depend on it. In a region where two-thirds of the population lives from agriculture, forecasts and anticipation can be vital. The model can be this tool. Here we present the application of the Cequeau model.
During the calibration phase, done with 1983/1984-1984/1985 observational data, flows were reconstituted with Nash coefficients ranging from 0.90 to 0.97, correlation coefficients from 0.90 to 0.99 and relative differences from 0.01 to 5.37%. The validation phase carried out on measured flows in 1992/1993-1993/1994 shows higher variances and lower coefficients but remain acceptable. Extreme flows have higher residues, up to 7.7%, which we still consider tolerable.
These results show the good fit of the model, which can be used either as an analytical tool or a forecasting instrument.
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