This paper evokes for the first time an ancestral hydraulic system consisting of two dams. For irrigation of the park and the water supply of the Ksar Tiout (Naama), several working missions were carried out in the oasis of Tiout during the period 2006 to 2018 to study the hydraulic engineering work. Built on the Tiout River for over 7 centuries, two dams distant from each other by a distance of 350 m are filled by the waters of 13 sources distributed over the Tiout River. The Foukani dam (the top) irrigates by the seguia of the left bank the upper part of the palm grove of 30 ha. As for the lower part of the palm grove of 10 ha is irrigated by the Tahtani dam via the seguia of the left bank. Even, the ksar of 103 families was fed by a complementary volume from the Foukani dam via the Seguia of the right bank. Today, this dam is abandoned following the drying of springs caused by the pumping of the water table by 120 drilling.
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