
This study focuses on the hydraulic conditions of submerged small overspill dams. Based on a definition scheme, the study proposes a simple relationship, punctuated by a single curve, which predicts the submerged or unsubmerged nature of the spillway dam. The resulting relation is the solution of a second-order equation. From the known values of the upstream depth h of the flow relative to the crest elevation, the unit flow discharge q and the geometric height s of the weir, it is possible to know whether the weir dam is submerged or unsubmerged. The study shows that a second-order equation governs the downstream depth rate w. The solution of this equation is an explicit relation which permits calculating the downstream depth rate for the given values of h, q and s. Finally, the study proposes an explicit relation for the calculation of the submersion rate b when the parameters h, q and s are known.


Overspill dam, submergence rate, downstream depth rate, sill, unit flow discharge.

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