
This paper examines the subject of flooding in the Kessiba Oasis caused in 2017 by the sudden increase in the flow of foggara of Hadj Amar Lekbir (wilaya of Adrar). Several missions on the site were carried out during the end of 2017 and the beginning of the year of 2018 in order to understand the causes of this problem. Investigations and surveys have been conducted among farmers and foggara owners for information on upwelling. To quantify this volume of water discharged into the wild, foggara flow measurements were made on the main canal and seguias. The flow reached the value of 16 l/s in March 2018 which far exceeds that measured in 2011 by the National Hydric Resources Agency measured at 10 l/s.


Foggara of Hadj Amar Lekbir- Oasis - Bouda - Flood - Drilling

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