
The present article evokes for the first time a global state on the Ras El Ma foggara of Tindouf and its role in oasis irrigation. The lack of data and information on the foggara, two missions were carried out in the oases of Tindouf during the years 2013 and 2017. Thus, investigations and investigations were conducted among the Ksourian population. It emerges from this study that the foggara with a length of more than 2 km equipped is equipped with a hundred wells. Contrary to the foggaras of Touat and Gourara which draw the waters of the aquifer of the Continental Intercalary, that of Tindouf exploits the waters of the inferoflux water table of the Tindouf River. In stop for more than 70 years, the foggara stopped working after the deterioration of a part of its gallery. Without rehabilitation and without maintenance since 1950, this hydraulic heritage risks being completely abandoned in the short term.


Foggara - Oasis - Tindouf – Inferoflux Water table

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