Among components of hydraulic dam constructions, the crucial part is the spillway, from which reliable operation depends on the trouble-free operation. In the event of a structural failure in the construction of the facility or an incorrect calculation of its carrying capacity, an emergency situation may arise.
To ensure trouble-free reliable operation of the spillways, it is very important to correctly design it and calculate the capacity of the facilities themselves, allowing water to be discharged to the downstream during periods of floods and rainfall events.
The present study deals with the analysis of the existing most usable formulas of calculation of weir flow capacity and theoretical development of the weir flow efficiency of a shaft spillway under small heads on the crest.
From the values obtained, it is possible to deduce the same conclusions as those of weirs with a sharp edge with or without a vacuum for small heads.
We can assume that the polynomial approximation of the experimental values made by the authors for the flow coefficient reflects the physics phenomenon of flow through the crest of the receiving funnel shaft spillway.
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