AWESOME, THE DUST OF THE SAHARA IN THE SKY OF THE AMERICA CONTINENT Godzilla, the biggest dust storm in half a century
Nicknamed Godzilla, a large dust storm from the Sahara Desert flew over the Atlantic Ocean during June 5-26, 2020, reaching the Caribbean and the Americas. By consulting the satellite images for the month of June 2020, the uprising of the dust storm took place on June 5, 2020 in the desert of Tanezrouft (Algeria). It is at the level of the throat area located on both sides of the mega-obstacle: Tassili N’Ajjer -Hoggar, which the harmattan from Libya accelerates following a decrease in pressure. Accordingly, the violence of the wind causes heavy erosion and uplift of fine particles in the air. This is the first departure from the Algerian Sahara of the largest amount of dust in more than half a century.
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