
This paper briefly describes the contribution of the Foggara to the development of the oases of the Algerian Sahara during more than 20 centuries of exploitation. Over a 20-year period of study in the Touat and Gourara regions (2000-2020), we learned a lot about the social and technical aspects of the Foggara system. The benefits of Foggara are enormous. The Foggara is the only hydraulic system that adapts to arid environments. The Foggara is the only technique that protects the ecosystem from dry environments. The Foggara is the only hydraulic system that consists of a technical part (the work itself), and a social part (which is represented by the sharing of water). The Foggara remains an evolving hydraulic system that is about to evolve in time and space. Today the Foggara in view of the socio-economic and environmental problems is about to disappear. So can we let such a thousand-year-old hydraulic system disappear? Despite the efforts of rehabilitation and renovation, we never returned the soul to the Foggara.


Foggara- the soul- hydraulic work- social- rehabilitation

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