For centuries, complex hydraulic systems had a pivotal role in shaping Iranian cities. As socio-technical systems, water infrastructures outlined a strong connection with the socio-spatial organization of the Iranian cities.
This article examines the traditional urban rural linkage in the city of Semnân and shows how this linkage was shaped in various aspects based on the traditional water infrastructure of the city. The paper focuses particularly on the socio-spatial connection between water infrastructure and urban-rural structure in Semnan before the mid-twentieth century. It successively outlines this traditional interconnection in three scales of territorial, urban and architectural organizations. It then puts into question the current situation of the traditional hydraulic system and its correlation with the modern development of the city.
The Results of the research shows that the traditional water infrastructure in Semnan had a leading role in Urban-Rural linkage, and spatial organization of the city on different scales until the mid-twentieth century. It shows the integration between hydraulic systems and rural and urban organizations was not limited to the physical aspects. But the hydraulic system governance and organization was in fact deeply integrated with a hierarchical societal system which formed the socio-spatial organization of the Semnan.
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